Industrial Design


Less really is more. Less waste. Less energy. Less complexity. We believe that everyday objects are an extension of us and speak volumes about who we are. We offer industrial design support to help you explore ways to make your products and services work better and reflect your core values and beliefs. Our ID engineering team analyzes and defines your specific needs for function, aesthetics, tolerance, economics, handling and end use. Always the focus is on sustainability.

Turn-key Web Design, Dynamic Websites, E-Commerce


The future requires innovative design if we’re to solve some of the world’s most complex problems. We’re committed to creating new products and services that contribute to positive change and reflect our brand values.

Online Navigation, Machine-User Interfaces, UI Design


We apply design thinking to create better things. We make and we test and we play. Industrial design is a hands-on process and requires feedback from many different perspectives.


We have over 35 years of manufacturing experience. Our designers and engineers explore and analyze different manufacturing processes to realize the most sustainable and economically viable solutions.

Form and Function

Your brand story should influence your products and services. This also works the other way around. Your brand identity should take its cues from what you make and why you make it.